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Help & Accessibility

Text Sizes

The size of the text used on this site can be altered between various sizes depending upon the web browser being used. Instructions for the two most common are given below:-

Internet Explorer

  1. click on Internet Explorer menu item View
  2. select Text Size
  3. choose a text size from the list ranging from Smallest to Largest (5 sizes), with Medium being the normal size

You may also wish to maximise the window size of the browser:-
Note that there are no keyboard shortcuts for changing the text size in Internet Explorer.


  1. click on Firefox menu "View"
  2. select "Text Size"
  3. either Increase (Ctrl and +) or Decrease (Ctrl and -) the text size or return it to Normal (Ctrl and 0) from the list

Other Web Browsers

Please refer to the browsers own help files for information about resizing text.

Web Accessibility Initiative

WAI, in coordination with organizations around the world, pursues accessibility of the Web through five primary areas of work: technology, guidelines, tools, education and outreach, and research and development. We are committed to meeting these web accessibility guidelines as well as other web standards defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Viewing and downloading files from this site

All downloadable content on this site will be provided in PDF format this will require Adobe Reader which can be downloaded for free from HERE.


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